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SPF Womens Pro Open
November 7, 2010
The first ever Women’s Pro Open was an amazing meet. Many lifters got PRs or set records. We all were excited to see so many exceptional athletes in one place! The best lifters received a total of $4000 in cash and division winners took home prizes valued at $1000s more.
Laura Phelps-Sweatt had a huge 733 squat and was Best Lifter Multiply. She took home $1000. Nicolai Stern was Best Lifter Singleply, beating lightweight powerhouse Suzanne Hedman by only 4 coefficient points, to take the $1000 prize. Nicolai refused to accept the prize money, donating it back to the meet as sponsorship for next year’s Women’s Pro Am! Amy Weisberger won the Best Lifter money of $1000 in the Raw category, after barely missing two attempts at an all time 148 record bench of 125.5 kilos.
In Bench only, Leonetta Richardson took the $500 with a huge 325 single ply bench in the 148s. Michelle Watts took home $200 for her 176 raw bench weighing in at only 120 pounds! And finally, Dana Shealey took home $300 and prizes for the Guttsiest Lifting Performance any of us have ever seen! Dana squatted 429, benched 220, and deadlifted 402 while lifting with a prosthetic leg.
I couldn’t be happier or more excited about the first ever Women’s Pro Meet and I am looking forward to an even bigger meet next year. Look for the date to be announced in the next few weeks! Thanks to all who helped support this meet.
Meet Director Cara Westin
2010 SPF Women’s Pro Open-Lb Results | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name | Age | Div | BWt (Lb) | Best Squat | Best Bench | Best Deadlift | PL Total | Coeff Score | Pl-Div-WtCl | |||||||||||||||
Multiply – Hvy | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Laura Phelps-Sweatt | 30 | F-H-F-M | 170 | 733.0295 | 248.0175 | 529.104 | 1510.151 | 484.98 | 1-F-H-F-M | |||||||||||||||
Dana Shealey | 31 | F-H-F-M | 230 | 429.897 | 220.46 | 402.3395 | 1052.6965 | 279.86275 | 2-F-H-F-M | |||||||||||||||
Singleply – Hvy | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Nicolai Stern | 43 | F-H-F-S | 179.5 | 518.081 | 270.0635 | 507.058 | 1295.2025 | 399.735 | 1-F-H-F-S | |||||||||||||||
Aura Morris | 30 | F-H-F-S | 197.5 | 385.805 | 242.506 | 341.713 | 970.024 | 278.652 | 2-F-H-F-S | |||||||||||||||
Jessica Brown | 29 | F-H-F-S | 196 | 270.0635 | 242.506 | 325.1785 | 837.748 | 242.098 | 3-F-H-F-S | |||||||||||||||
Singleply – Lt | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Suzanne Hedman | 50 | F-L-F-S | 121.5 | 369.2705 | 231.483 | 341.713 | 942.4665 | 395.39475 | 1-F-L-F-S | |||||||||||||||
Gia Blackwell | 50 | F-L-F-S | 160.5 | 363.759 | 242.506 | 330.69 | 936.955 | 313.6075 | 2-F-L-F-S | |||||||||||||||
Tara Getty | 39 | F-L-F-S | 152 | 242.506 | 132.276 | 275.575 | 650.357 | 226.383 | 3-F-L-F-S | |||||||||||||||
Raw – Hvy | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Carrie Manhart | 54 | F-H-F-R | 192 | 203.9255 | 121.253 | 275.575 | 600.7535 | 176.3075 | 1-F-H-F-R | |||||||||||||||
Raw – Lt | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Amy Weisberger | 45 | F-L-F-R | 147.5 | 325.1785 | 253.529 | 380.2935 | 959.001 | 341.7795 | 1-F-L-F-R | |||||||||||||||
Julie Diss | 26 | F-L-F-R | 131 | 275.575 | 154.322 | 374.782 | 804.679 | 317.112 | 2-F-L-F-R | |||||||||||||||
Victoria Traugot | 48 | F-L-F-R | 153 | 330.69 | 203.9255 | 347.2245 | 881.84 | 305.4 | 3-F-L-F-R | |||||||||||||||
Michelle Watts | 32 | F-L-F-R | 120.5 | 242.506 | 176.368 | 303.1325 | 722.0065 | 304.73875 | 4-F-L-F-R | |||||||||||||||
Meghan Froley | 28 | F-L-F-R | 157.5 | 292.1095 | 165.345 | 319.667 | 777.1215 | 263.7405 | 5-F-L-F-R | |||||||||||||||
Lisa Lindhorst | 21 | F-L-F-R | 114 | 148.8105 | 93.6955 | 231.483 | 473.989 | 209.5605 | 6-F-L-F-R | |||||||||||||||
Pauline Koh-Banerjee | 39 | F-L-F-R | 125.5 | 192.9025 | 93.6955 | 220.46 | 507.058 | 207.138 | 7-F-L-F-R | |||||||||||||||
Laura Beck | 30 | F-L-F-R | 160.5 | 165.345 | 93.6955 | 220.46 | 479.5005 | 160.49325 | 8-F-L-F-R | |||||||||||||||
Bench Only | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name | Age | Div | BWt (Lb) | Best Bench | Place | |||||||||||||||||||
Singleply – Lt | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Leonetta Richardson | 33 | F-L-B-S | 148.5 | 325.1785 | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||
Kendal Buffington | 24 | F-L-B-S | 146.5 | 187.391 | 2 | |||||||||||||||||||
Raw – Lt | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Michelle Watts | 32 | F-L-F-R | 120.5 | 176.368 | 1 | |||||||||||||||||||