- This event has passed.
Irontoberfest 2007 Body By Scotty
November 10, 2007
Hartford, Alabama
We want to than everyone for coming out and taking part in this event.
Also want to take time to thank Bobby and Carol Ann Myers for coming out and taking time to help judge and also thank all the Spotters and loaders for doing a
great job. The SPF also thanks Scotty and Heather Cox for putting on this event and doing the great job they always do. Thanks everyone.
SPF President
Jesse Rodgers
Raw Powerlifting
Teenage Women 13-15 Squat BN DL
114 lb. lb. Class
Lacy Smith Al 225 75 230 530
245 4th.
Hailey Faulkner 16-17 Al 155 75 215 460
123 lb. Class
Page Slaughter Al 210 100 245 555
260 4th
148 lb. Class 16-17
Lauren Howell Al 225 105 275 605
Teenage Men 16-17
148 lb. CLass
Chris Lowery Al 315 165 385 865
165 lb. Class
Nick Stevenson Al 315 185 350 850
Teenage Men 18-19
181 lb. Class
Dexter Gilley Al 325 280 450 1055
470 4th
275 lb. Class
Daniel Olesen Al 500 225 470 1195
165 lb. Class
Wes Tindall Al 315 290 430 1035
259 lb. Class
Chris Senese Al 635 500 605 1740
Super Heavy Wt. Class
Chris Coaker Al 605 430 405 1440
242 lb. Class
Tony Helms Al 375 420 405 1200
Equipped Powerlifting
181 lb. Class
Andy Bowen Al 570 365 585 1520
Raw Push/Pull
Teenage Men 13-15
165 lb. Class Bnech DL Total
Blaine Buholz Al 180 430 610
435 4th
Teenage Men 18-19
198 lb. Class
Jess Johnson Al 325 435 715
340 4th
Equipped Push/Pull
Masters 50-54
242 lb. Class
Tom Squerson Fl. 340 500 840
Raw Bench Press Only
Teenage 13-15
123 lb. Class
Skylar Smith Al 140
Teenage 18-19
220 lb. Class
Alex Dead Al 245
242 lb. Class
John Bottoms Al 350
Super Heavy Wt. Class
Robert Wilkerson Al. 545
Equipped Bench Press Only
Masters 40-44
242 lb. Class
Malcolm Smith Al 420
Raw Deadlift Only
Teenage 16-17
132 lb. Class
Ethan McBride Al 245
255 4th