- This event has passed.
Little Rock Classic
March 28, 2020
$95.00h 28tht. 2020
Little Rock Classic
Venue: 11519 Kanis Rd
Little Rock, Arkansas 72211
Email: @WestLittleRockCrossFit
Call: (501) 650-6863
Powerlifting and Bench Press Championship
Mail Entry Forms and Fees to :
Jeff Jucha – 11519 Kanis Rd
Little Rock, Arkansas 72211
Make all CHECKS to : Jeff Jucha
Novice (Division for Beginners) and Open (anyone and everyone)
Full Powerlifting, Push/Pull, Bench Press, Deadlift Championship
Raw PL With Wraps: _____ Raw PL Without Wraps: _______
Single Ply: _____ Multi-Ply: _____
Slingshot Div. _____
Deadlift with Straps Only: _____
Full Powerlifting, Push/Pull, Bench Only Deadlift Only
Will only be taking 50 Full Powerlifters at this event and the rest is Push/Pull, Bench Only
or Deadlift only.
So if you want to have a spot in full Power you better get your entries in early, it is first come regardless.
Events that you can enter
All Lifters must wear Singlets, ALL LIFTERS in ALL EVENTS in ALL SPF MEETS. Can not compete without them.
You can enter Raw, Single Ply or Multi Ply in any of the Events
Full Powerlifting 95.00
Push/Pull 85.00
Squat Only 75.00
Bench Press Only 75.00
Deadlift Only 75.00
Slingshot Div. 75.00
All Crossovers are 50.00 (this is for more than one Division)
There will be a 15.00 late fee after March 15th 2020
so get your entries in early.
Divisions: Teenage Men, Teenage Women, 13-15, 16l17, 18-19, Juniors 20-23, Women, Men Sub-Masters 33-39,
Police and Fire, Masters 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74,7 5-79, 80+
Weight Classes for each Division: 97, 114, 123, 132, 148, 165, 181, 198, 220, 242, 259,
275, 308, Super Heavy
Must be a SPF Member if you are not already a member send an
additional 30.00 (Teenagers 20.00) for your membership card.
Early Weigh In Times: Friday 9”00 am. – 12:00 noon.
Saturday morning 7:00-8:00 am.
Lifters meeting 8:00am. Comp. starts at 8:30am
Cash only day of meet on exceptions.
Must also be member of SPF.
All records can be set at this event.
General Admission: $10.00, Kids 12 and under, Free
Awards: 1st – 3rd. Places in all Divisions and weight classes. Best Lifter and Team Awards
Name of Contest: Little Rock Classic Date: 3/28/2020
Print Full Name: ____________________________________ Age:_______
Date of Birth:_______
Address: __________________________________City: ________________
State: _______ Zip: ____
Phone No: _____________________________
Email: ________________________________
Parent or Gardian must sign for you to lift if you are under 18.
Parent or Guardian signature:____________________________________________________
Select the Events pertaining to the Contest you are entering:
Raw PL With Wraps: _____ Raw PL Without Wraps: _______
Single Ply: _____ Multi-Ply: _____
Full Powerlifting, Push/Pull, Bench Only Deadlift Only
Full Powerlifting ______
Push/Pull ____
Bench Press______
Deadlift without Straps _____
You can enter more than one event if you would like, just check the events you want to enter
And send the appropriate fees according to the contest you are entering from the list above.
What Divisions are you entering?
Teenage: _____ Junior(20-23)_____ Women_____ Men _____ Police , Fire, Military_____Sub-masters(33-39)_____
Masters(40-44) ___ Masters(45-49)___Masters(50-54)___Masters(55-59)___Masters(60-64)___Masters(65-69)___ Other ________
What Weight Class are you entering? If you don’t make weight , you go to the one you do make.
Wt. Class: 97___114___123___132___148___165___181___198___220___242___259___275___308___Super Heavy___
Entry Fees: Send the amount as advertised for each event. If you are not a member of the SPF or if you need to renew your membership, send extra 30.00, (Teenagers 20.00) with this application.
Membership card must be up to date of the tournament or more.