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“The Strongest” SPF Powerlifting Meet!
May 9, 2020
$85.00About this Event
Big Tex Gym and Texas Powerlifting Commission is proud to present
“The Strongest” SPF Powerlifting Meet!
Come on out on 5/09/20 to Beaumont Civic Center to compete against other strong minded power beasts and to earn the title of “The Strongest” powerlifter/gym in Southeast Texes!
There will be vendors, sponsors, music, food, and fun for both competitors and spectators alike! Check out the details below-
Questions or Sponsor Inquires: texaspowerliftingcommission@gmail.com
The Strongest @ Southeast Texas Championship (National Qualifier)
Date: May 9th 2020
Venue: Beaumont Civic Center
701 Main Street, Beaumont, TX 77701
Meet Director/Promoters: Rene, Robert, Esther.
Spectator info:
$20 (link coming soon)
All powerlifting spectators must purchase ticket to entry. Each ticket gain entry to all sports- Bodybuilding, Powerlifting, and Vendor areas.
*Plese note: Texas Powerlifting Commission, Big Tex Gym, Director, and Promoters does not control nor make decisions on spectator prices.
Athlete Info:
Early Weigh-ins:
Friday, 8th from 9:00 a.m.- 12:00p.m., 5:00p.m.-8p.m. (at event venue)
Saturday, 9th from 7:00 – 8:00 a.m. (at event venue)
Mandatory Lifters meeting: Saturday, 9th at 9 a.m. at competition venue (ALL COMPETITORS MUST attend or you do not lift)
Event Start Time: Saturday, 9th at 10:00 a.m.
Entry Fees: You may enter more than one event, please put in note just check all the events applicable and send the amount as advertised for each event.
MUST be a SPF Member to participate.
If you are not already a member, please include an additional $30.00 (Teenagers $20.00) for your registration. The membership is good for one full year from date of payment. Membership must be up to the date of the tournament or more.
*All prices below does not include mandataroy sale tax*
Full Powerlifting: $85.00
Push/Pull: $80.00
Bench Press Only: $75.00
Deadlift Only: $75.00
All Crossovers are an additional $40.00
SPF Membership (Adult): $32.81
SPF Membership (Teen): $22.44
There will be a $20.00 late fee after 4/18/20, so get your entries in early.
Entry Deadline: Entries will be taken until the contest starts but you must enter by 4/18/20 to be guaranteed a T shirt.
Cash only the day of meet. NO exceptions.
Only 55 applications for the Full Powerlifting category will be accepted at this event. The remainder will have to be Push/Pull, Bench Only or Deadlift Only. Spots are open on a first come basis regardless.
Raw w/ Wraps
Raw w/o Wraps
Single Ply
Multi Ply
Teenage Men/Women: ages 13-15, 16-17, 18-19
Juniors: ages 20-23
Men/Women Open
Men/Women Sub-Masters: ages 33-39
Men/Women Masters: ages 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74,7 5-79, 80+
Weight Class (lbs):
97: 114: 123: 132: 148: 165: 181: 198: 220:242: 259: 275: 308: Super Heavy:
This is the weight class you are trying to weigh in for– You will be placed in whatever weight class in which you qualify.
YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE for knowing what the records are in your division/age/weight group. If you are trying for a state/national record, it is your responsibility to let someone know at weigh in OR let the person at the table know.
ALL LIFTERS MUST WEAR SINGLETS. This is ALL LIFTERS in ALL EVENTS in ALL SPF MEETS. Please understand you will not be allowed to compete without them.
All deadlift competitors MUST WEAR LONG SOCKS
-1st – 3rd Places in all Divisions and weight classes.
-One male and one female overall will be awarded with the title of “The Strongest” @ Southeast Texas.
-One gym will be awarded with the title of “The Strongest” @ Southeast Texas.
SPF Rules:
Want to Break Some Records? Check this SPF Record Link:
Here is a recap video of our last SPF powerlifting meet: