- This event has passed.
The Underground Classic
July 18, 2020
$95.00The Underground Classic
July 18th. 2000
Worlds Qualifier
Venue: 1711 N. .Heritage PKWY, Sherman TX 75092 (Nautilus West)
Venue contact: Mike Brown, 903-821-4544,owner Underground Sports Nutrition
David Shirley, 479-858-8331, dshirleyspf@gmail.com
Early weigh-ins:
- Friday, 1st from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., evening weigh-ins by appointment only
- Saturday ,2nd from 7:00 – 8:00 a.m.
Mandatory Lifters meeting: Saturday,2nd at 8:00 a.m. (YOU MUST attend or you do not lift)
Main event: Saturday, 2nd at 9:00 a.m.
General Admission: $5
Lifter Entry Fees:
Full powerlifting $95
- Push/Pull: $85.00
- Squat Only: $75.00
- Bench Press Only: $75.00
- Deadlift Only: $75.00
- All Crossovers are an additional $50.00
There will be a $20.00 late fee after July 1, 2020, so get your entries in early.
Cash only the day of meet. NO exceptions.
Make checks payable to: David Shirley
Or go too www.invictuspowerlifting.net/events/the/underground-classic-2 to pay online
. Raw w/ Wraps,
- Raw w/o Wraps
- Single Ply
- Multi Ply
- Teenage Men/Women: ages 13-15, 16-17, 18-19
- Juniors: ages 20-23
- Men/Women Open
- Men/Women Sub-Masters: ages 33-39
- Police/Fire/Military
- Men/Women Masters: ages 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74,7 5-79, 80+
Weight Classes (lbs): 97, 114, 123, 132, 148, 165, 181, 198, 220, 242, 259, 275, 308, Super Heavy
MUST be a SPF Member to participate. If you are not already a member, include an additional $30.00 (Teenagers $20.00) for your membership. The membership is good for one full year from date of payment. Membership must be up to the date of the tournament or more.
Only 55 applications for the Full Powerlifting category will be accepted at this event. The remainder will have to be Push/Pull, Squat Only, Bench Only or Deadlift Only. Spots are open on a first come basis regardless.
ALL LIFTERS MUST WEAR SINGLETS. This is ALL LIFTERS in ALL EVENTS in ALL SPF MEETS. You will not be allowed to compete without them.
All deadlift competitors MUST WEAR LONG SOCKS
State and national records will be legally recorded at this event. Please let the table people know if you are trying for a record.
- 1st – 3rd Places in all Divisions and weight classes.
Mail all entries and fees to:
David Shirley
2066 Linker Mountain Rd.
Dover, AR 72837
Or go too www.invictuspowerlifting.net/events/the/underground-classic-2 to pay online
Make checks payable to: David Shirley
Checks made to the SPF will not be accepted
Or go too www.invictuspowerlifting.net/events/the/underground-classic-2 to pay online
Name of Contest: ______________________________Date: __________________
Full Name: _____________________________________ sex______________
Age: _______Date of Birth: ______
Address: ______________________________________________ City:___________________________________ State: _______ Zip: _____________
Phone : ___________________________________
Email: __________________________________ Shiet size_____________
Parent or Guardian must sign for you to lift if you are under 18.
Parent or Guardian print THEN sign: Print________________________________________________________ Signature____________________________________________________
Raw W/ Wraps:______ Raw W/O Wraps:______ Single Ply:______ Multi-Ply:______
Full Powerlifting:______Push/Pull:______Squat Only:______ Bench Only:______Deadlift Only:______ Slingshot_____ Strict Curl______
Entry Fees: You may enter more than one event, just check all the events applicable and send the amount as advertised for each event. If you are not a member of the SPF or if you need to renew your membership, send an extra $30.00 (Teenagers $20.00) with this application.
Teenage:______ Junior(20-23):______ Women Open :______ Men Open :_____
Sub-masters (33-39):_____ Masters (40-44):______Masters (45-49):______ Masters (50-54): ______ Masters (55-59):______Masters (60-64):______Masters (65-69):_______ Police/ Fire/Military:______ Disabled: ______
Weight Class (lbs)
97: _____114:_____123:______132:______ 148:______165:______ 181: ______198: ______ 220:______ 242:______ 259:______ 275:______ 308:______ Super Heavy: ______
This is the weight class you are trying to weigh in for– You will be placed in whatever weight class in which you qualify.YOU are responsible for knowing what the records are in your division/age/weight group. If you are trying for a state/national record, it is your responsibility to let someone know at weigh in OR let the person at the table know
Make checks payable to: David Shirley
Or go too www.invictuspowerlifting.net/events/the/underground-classic-2 to pay online
Worlds Qualifier
Venue: 1711 N. .Heritage PKWY, Sherman TX 75092 (Nautilus West)
Venue contact: Mike Brown, 903-821-4544,owner Underground Sports Nutrition
David Shirley, 479-858-8331, dshirleyspf@gmail.com
Early weigh-ins:
- Friday, from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., evening weigh-ins by appointment only
- Saturday ,2nd from 7:00 – 8:00 a.m.
Mandatory Lifters meeting: Saturday, at 8:00 a.m. (YOU MUST attend or you do not lift)
Main event: Saturday, at 9:00 a.m.
General Admission: $5
Lifter Entry Fees:
Full powerlifting $95
- Push/Pull: $85.00
- Squat Only: $75.00
- Bench Press Only: $75.00
- Deadlift Only: $75.00
- All Crossovers are an additional $50.00
There will be a $20.00 late fee after 7/1/2/2020, so get your entries in early.
Cash only the day of meet. NO exceptions.
Make checks payable to: David Shirley
Or go too www.invictuspowerlifting.net/events/the/underground-classic-2 to pay online
. Raw w/ Wraps,
- Raw w/o Wraps
- Single Ply
- Multi Ply
- Teenage Men/Women: ages 13-15, 16-17, 18-19
- Juniors: ages 20-23
- Men/Women Open
- Men/Women Sub-Masters: ages 33-39
- Police/Fire/Military
- Men/Women Masters: ages 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74,7 5-79, 80+
Weight Classes (lbs): 97, 114, 123, 132, 148, 165, 181, 198, 220, 242, 259, 275, 308, Super Heavy
MUST be a SPF Member to participate. If you are not already a member, include an additional $30.00 (Teenagers $20.00) for your membership. The membership is good for one full year from date of payment. Membership must be up to the date of the tournament or more.
Only 55 applications for the Full Powerlifting category will be accepted at this event. The remainder will have to be Push/Pull, Squat Only, Bench Only or Deadlift Only. Spots are open on a first come basis regardless.
ALL LIFTERS MUST WEAR SINGLETS. This is ALL LIFTERS in ALL EVENTS in ALL SPF MEETS. You will not be allowed to compete without them.
All deadlift competitors MUST WEAR LONG SOCKS
State and national records will be legally recorded at this event. Please let the table people know if you are trying for a record.
- 1st – 3rd Places in all Divisions and weight classes.
Mail all entries and fees to:
David Shirley
2066 Linker Mountain Rd.
Dover, AR 72837
Or go too www.invictuspowerlifting.net/events/the/underground-classic-2 to pay online
Make checks payable to: David Shirley
Checks made to the SPF will not be accepted
Or go too www.invictuspowerlifting.net/events/the/underground-classic-2 to pay online
Name of Contest: ______________________________Date: __________________
Full Name: _____________________________________ sex______________
Age: _______Date of Birth: ______
Address: ______________________________________________ City:___________________________________ State: _______ Zip: _____________
Phone : ___________________________________
Email: __________________________________ Shiet size_____________
Parent or Guardian must sign for you to lift if you are under 18.
Parent or Guardian print THEN sign: Print________________________________________________________ Signature____________________________________________________
Raw W/ Wraps:______ Raw W/O Wraps:______ Single Ply:______ Multi-Ply:______
Full Powerlifting:______Push/Pull:______Squat Only:______ Bench Only:______Deadlift Only:______ Slingshot_____ Strict Curl______
Entry Fees: You may enter more than one event, just check all the events applicable and send the amount as advertised for each event. If you are not a member of the SPF or if you need to renew your membership, send an extra $30.00 (Teenagers $20.00) with this application.
Teenage:______ Junior(20-23):______ Women Open :______ Men Open :_____
Sub-masters (33-39):_____ Masters (40-44):______Masters (45-49):______ Masters (50-54): ______ Masters (55-59):______Masters (60-64):______Masters (65-69):_______ Police/ Fire/Military:______ Disabled: ______
Weight Class (lbs)
97: _____114:_____123:______132:______ 148:______165:______ 181: ______198: ______ 220:______ 242:______ 259:______ 275:______ 308:______ Super Heavy: ______
This is the weight class you are trying to weigh in for– You will be placed in whatever weight class in which you qualify.YOU are responsible for knowing what the records are in your division/age/weight group. If you are trying for a state/national record, it is your responsibility to let someone know at weigh in OR let the person at the table know
Make checks payable to: David Shirley
Or go too www.invictuspowerlifting.net/events/the/underground-classic-2 to pay online